طرح درس دورهٔ برنامه‌نویسی سمت کاربر وب (Front-end Web Development)
1Story of the Web and Internet Size, Application Architectures, URL Anatomy, Request & Response Structure, HTTP Status Codes, Web Apps and Why use them, HTML and CSS and JavaScript responsibilities, Server Side responsibilities, HTML fundamentals, Hypertext and Markup Definition, HTML Elements, WYSIWYG Editors, Opening and Closing Tags in HTML, Anatomy of an HTML element, Setup the development environment with WebStorm, Some Basic HTML Tags (!DOCTYPE html head body title h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p)3.5 Hours
2Image Formats, Lossy vs. Lossless, Indexed vs. Direct, Transparency, Index Transparency, Alpha Transparency, BMP vs. GIF vs. JPEG vs. PNG-8 vs. PNG-24, Why we hate IE, Web Forms, Forms Elements, Meaningless HTML Elements, Inline and Block Elements, New HTML5 Tags, Common Attributes in HTML (id class dir lang style title), Comments in HTML, Some useful characters (  LRM RLM), meta tag names (keywords, description, revised, author), using meta tag http-equiv attribute for redirects, Other HTML tags and their corresponding attributes (br hr pre em strong blockquote q code address img table tr td caption ul li ol a div span form input textarea select option), Meaningless and deprecated HTML Tags (center, b, i, u)3.5 Hours
3What is CSS, Applying CSS to HTML Files (inline internal external), CSS Syntax, Lengths in CSS (cm in mm pt % em px), Colors, Fonts, CSS Selectors, CSS Box Model, Selectors Specificity, CSS Comments, CSS properties (background font color direction letter-spacing word-spacing text-indent text-align text-decoration text-transform text-shadow border border-collapse border padding margin), Pseudo-classes (link visited hover active), CSS Dimentions (height width max-height line-height max-height min-height max-width min-width), CSS Scrollbars (visible hidden scroll), CSS Animations & Easing Functions3.5 Hours
4CSS Visibility, CSS Rounded Corners (border-radius), CSS Positioning (relative absolute fixed), CSS Layers (z-index), CSS Pseudo Elements (first-line first-letter before after), CSS @ Rules (@import @charset @font-face !important), Layouts (HTML tables, CSS float property, CSS flexbox, CSS framework, CSS grid) & Methods in Responsive Web Design Principles, CSS Flexible Grid and Media queries, Live Coding to build an HTML5 and CSS3 website with a responsive layout3.5 Hours
5Font-Awesome, Content Delivery Network (CDN), More Practices and Live Coding with HTML5 and CSS33.5 Hours
6What is JavaScript, JavaScript Syntax, JS Values, JS Types, JS Operators, Infinity & NaN, Automatic Type Conversion in JS, JS Equality, JS Short-circuiting, JS Local & Global Variables, JS Program Structure, Comments in JS, Functions in JS, Scopes & Nested Scopes in JS, JS Closure, JS Arrays, Object-Oriented Programming with JS, The Class & Objects, Naming Conventions in JS, JS WATs3.5 Hours
7JavaScript & The Browser, Document Object Model, Finding Elements with JS, Getting Information with JS, Updating Elements with JS, Creating Elements with JS, Navigating DOM Tree with JS, Changing Style with JS, JS Events, Adding & Remove JS Events, Event Objects, Event Propagation in JS, Default Actions in JS, Setting Timers with JS, Script Execution Timeline in JS, Browser Object Model, jQuery Library, AJAX, How Single-Page Applications Works, More Simple Practices and Live Coding with JS3.5 Hours
8Using Stack Overflow Effectively, A brief overview of UI Design Patterns, A brief overview of Semantic-UI & jQuery UI & Bootstrap & Zurb Foundation & Materialize CSS & Material UI & Pure CSS & Skeleton, Responsive Web Layouts with Semantic-UI Grid System3.5 Hours
9Firefox DevTools, Emmet Plug-ins, SASS Preprocessor, GIT Version Control System3.5 Hours